Who am I in this story, where do I feel exclusion?
—-> wit is ook een kleur, Sunny Bergman
I feel really privileged, I'm almost ashamed about being white, about being privileged

When I look to my life, I'm very lucky. I have nothing to worry about. But I do have a lot of compassion for minorities, I don't want to be privileged. I hate racism and wish I would know what to do about it, I want more diversity. It saddens me that women are insecure about their bodies, it saddens me man feel like they can't express themselves in a emotional way. But I do not experience it, who am I to make a difference?

guilt… can you exclude yourself from the stereotype and if so how?

the word stereotype: a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. --> Maybe I don't fit in the stereotype of a typically white girl, but how do I exclude myself?
What does it do to me?

Contrast with existing, girlz, hit newspaper, that feeling but with substance -> looking back at your own youth

Or something with tiktok, new reach of young people. -> looking at today's youth

Make incorrect advertising brochure inclusive> Intertoys booklet

“Who's It” game on generalization

Product review site

Using the product to tell something

Political 'voting guide' folder bv "I (regularly) need medical help -> Do not vote for VVD, which cuts back on healthcare"

Mega fake news page, all very exaggerated fake tweets.

Count sell advertisements for political messages

Fake products that help you meet the social norm (silver shampoo for your skin)
We started to think how we want to translate our archive into something creative. We are talking about heavy subject and we want to make them a bit lighter. For example with humour, with sarcasm, but also with talking to a young target audience. Maybe to our younger selves. It was very inspiring to visualise our archive and it helped me to research more and more specific and more personal. I started reading a lot of essay's and chapters out of books. First I only gathered what came by in my daily life. These articles, essays and books gave my other research more depth.

We decided to start gathering in excel instead of teams. In this way we could use folders, all our work was together and it is much more clear. We all write keywords to the source, in this way we could use each others research as well. because of the categories I also found out that I should add more readings. Mostly I like to use scientifically proven articles, but is also have a lot inspiration out of books, on google scholar I can find a lot of first/introduction chapters.

When we started gathering in excel I stopped analysing in hot glue.
Notes watching the documentary:

- Stereotyping: we do not talk about our feelings, you can say mean things to each other, it’s a joke. Don’t show vulnerability. Those guys are the cool guys.
- Jordan Peterson: unmasculine world, wants to keep the stereotype in line.
- Man do what is expected from them
- Men are taught to act like a man, we are born with more emotions but they learn to convert it to aggressivity instead of grief.
- If you look at testosterone it is a turned around stereotype, a sample showed that the queer people and ballet dancers had a higher score than the rugby player, lawer or policeman
- Suppressing emotions gives us stress, so being a man, acting like one can be stressful, something the millennials feel a lot, like the documentary “ziek gespierd”. The outcome of that is that your empathy loses.
- Being in control is masculine.
- Constant fear of not being man enough
Madelijn van den Nieuwenhuizen started this Instagram account as a media-critical platform called @Zeikschrift. She reacts to any kind of media and mostly writes about lack of diversity and how she thinks it can be changed. She shows how mainstream media choose their words and how this is mostly not correct. She shows how it should be done and mostly the mainstream media adjust it. All her arguments are substantiated and she motivates her followers to have a meaningful and well considered discussion instead of reacting without thinking. In the comments are discussions between followers. Instagram is very approachable which makes it a diverse public and that's why you see a lot of different opinions.
Who am i as an individu?, I wanna be excluded, not be part of the stereotype ---> with this in my mind i started researching
Millennials in the Netherlands, this documentary shows what millennials expect form theirselves but also what society expects from them. They need to have fun, successful, have a lot of friends and don't feel any worries. To come up to all these expectations is a lot. I recognise the performance drive. Nothing is enough. Because of social media there is a lot of competition. It looks like other people are better, prettier and luckier than you are. I think it would be nice to let this ideal image go. To see who you really are and who you really want to be.
In disclosure worden stereotypes van trans-seksuelen in de filmindustrie in het licht gebracht en wat dat doet met mensen uit die community, de angst die het geeft om te laten zijn wie ze zijn. Niet alleen om uit te komen, eerlijk te zijn om transseksueel te zijn maar ook om daarin hun zelf te zijn. Anders te zijn dan het stereotype, geen sexueel object, heel overdreven of uitgesproken. Maar juist “gewoon” of “normaal”.

Het stereotype is in een hoek gedreven als het karakter “trans” los van het zijn daarvan hebben ze geen inhoud of mening. Ook is de reactie van anderen op deze personen altijd in angst of walging, mensen krijgen als voorbeeld een eenduidig beeld te zien hoe je reageert op trans mensen. Dit is afschuwelijk voor de trans mensen, ze voelen zich niet welkom maar het ook juist heel slecht voor mensen die zelf nog geen transseksuelen kennen, zij leren een reactie aan die helemaal niet eerlijk is. Dit maakt de verbinding tussen verschillende groepen nog moeilijker omdat ze niet zelf de kans krijgen om een eigen mening of reactie te vormen, deze krijgen ze aangeleerd.

Langzaam komen er steeds meer eerlijke, goede voorbeelden van transmensen op tv, mensen waar andere transmensen zich in kunnen herkennen en er trots op kunnen zijn, maar ook zo open dat ze kunnen ontdekken wie zij zelf echt zijn. En dat zonder buiten gesloten te worden.
#eerlijkefoto is a series documentary about women stereotypes and that there is an upcoming movement where all bodies need to be supported. By showing her real body Miljuschka want to show that everyone has their own body and that you should be happy and proud about it. We slowly see a change on social media, not only the very skinny models have a big influence, also women with a bigger size than 32/34/36. But because of famous people like the Kardashian’s there still is a perfect body pictured.

The hashtag body-positivity is used by all kinds of women. The documentary starts with a conversation between Miljuschka and Olivieira, Olivieira explains that there is a big history behind body positivity and that she feels like there is not enough attention to that.

So I started looking for more information and couldn’t find much about it. But she explains a lot about it on her instagram
In this documentary is explained how social media is addicting but also how social media is pitting people against each other. Because of the algorithm people who think different will see different things, it drives their opinion even further away, stereotypes of people who are democrats, republican, “right” or “left” will become bigger in the other group, they feel like how can you think that, there is so much “news” that confirms my opinion, you must be crazy to say things like that. Memes and stuff like that will make the stereotype even bigger.

Het wordt moeilijker en moeilijker om je eigen mening te vormen, je wordt gestuurd door de algoritmes en dat zal je mening beinvloeden. Hoe zet je je eigen mening door als er al zoveel uitgesproken zijn.
A few of my findings:
Group brainstorm, 12-10-2020
Teana's theory I want to use:

Mead: The me and I. --> who am I to myself and who am I to others?

Hall: Identity and expectations -->can I go against the expectations of society, can my identity chance?

Wekker: White innocence --> the "not knowing culture" in the Netherlands, can I go against that, can I make a difference?

Rizvi: body experience --> I never had to question my descent based on body experience, that means I'm privileged

Rui Jun Luong is a Dutch girl who stands up against racism, especially racism aigainst Asian people. She made a small documentary about it. About how Dutch tv-shows make fun of asian people and always put them in to a funny or crazy stereotype. She is a creative girl and shares a perfect mix between showing who she is and discussing social problems. She is also part of the #datmeenjeniet group. A hashtag you post when you see discrimination on social media to show it is not acceptable.
Self found resources Want to use:

Dit Is Nederland: Jong en Gestrest - Videoland. (n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2020, from

Exactitudes. (n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2020, from ---> as an example

Witzenhausen, M. (n.d.). #Eerlijkefoto—Videoland. Retrieved October 29, 2020, from

Bergman, S. (2016, December 28). Wit is ook een kleur: Racisme als een probleem van witte mensen. ---> as example

DiAngelo, R. J. (2018). White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism. Beacon Press. ---> background information

Het Grote Racisme Experiment. (2019, July 12). In Het Grote Racisme Experiment. BNN vara. --> background information

How do we rid ourselves of stereotypes? (n.d.). Getting Race Right. Retrieved October 29, 2020, from ---> background information

McIntosh, P. (1992). White Privilege: Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack. In Multiculturalism 1992 (pp. 30–35). NYSCEA. ---> background information

Riemersma, G. (2017, December 11). Emeritus hoogleraar Gloria Wekker: ‘Witte onschuld bestaat niet.’ Vrij Nederland.

Valentine, R. (2020, June 26). Actie heeft meer zin dan witte mensen een schuldgevoel aanpraten. Trouw.

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We've gathered a lot as a group. The excel sheet works really nice and working in this group is also really nice. We are on one line, meet once a week to see what's done and what can be better. We feel ready for a next step because gathering even more doesn't feel like progress anymore.

For my essay I also feel ready to write. I have a lot of sources and ideas which makes it a bit difficult to make it specific. I will start writing with all the information in my head. I want to talk about the me and the I, about stereotypes on social media, about white innocence and combine all that with how I am not part of the stereotype and how to break trough the stereotype.