week 45
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Making a zine
As an exercise we've gathered art and tried to connect it to each other. We concluded that we all feel like we live in a suppressed individualism -world. A world where you are always part of a group, of a stereotype. A world where individuals are not shown.
My art piece is a photo series of the exactitudes. Based on people their looks they are put in a categorie, they are put in boxes. What the people think, what they feel, is not important to the makers. But I still like the exactitudes, on the other hand is it funny to see how much people are the same, that we are all human.
After the midterms we gave ourselves the homework to choose between 8-10 most relevant resources and describe why they are important to us. In one or two sentences why we feel personal connected. For me mostly came out: privilege, thinking in boxes, my position against others, dare to speak up.
During our meeting everyone started telling about what is important to them. Another person was taking notes. After that we took all the words and made a mind map out of it. We divided the words and made connections. The words that were most important to all of us were privilege and intersectionality. But also myself in relation to others. As a new homework assignment made by and for ourselves we are going to make these words visual.
Making personal
This was a really good week. We have made our archive personal AND we connected our important topics to each other. I feel exited to go visual and gather images and pictures to our words and see how our majors are going to have impact on that. I think that we are ready to slowly work to our end product, but first we will experiment!