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Final essay
gebruiken? of eerder begrijpen wat dit inhoudt voor je blik naar de wereld, hoe je overkomt en wat je daarmee wil gaan doen

this first page is much improved, the tone, the point of departure, the level of analysis combined with observation, well done elke

again impressive work here as you can see as i have nothing to say in this whole page; compare this with the first draft!

this is a great and funny and to the point comment, Stuart Hall would be proud of you!

here i would disagree and say that they have the opportunity to negotiate and think through the system they find themselves in. Acknowledgement is already an improvement over disavowal as it will allow you to see more and then you get to choose what you do with the seeing.

what can I say; i am so impressed with the changes you have made to this essay. It is a joy to read, well argued, well written, engaging, urgent, theoretically grounded.
you are good to go; just a bit of tidying up here and there.
Teana's feedback
I am so happy with Teana's feedback, she agrees with the chances I have made and sees the improvements. With a few extra tips and a confidence boost can I hand in my final essay. :)
Online publication
Making public is a important part to think about in this assignment, how are we going to reach our target group? The magazine will not lay in the shelves of the Albert Heijn or the kiosks. So we decided to make a website that seduces the teenage girls to order the magazine. On the website we show the cover, a few topics in the magazine, our introduction letter and you can sign up for your own copy, offline but also online. We made the magazine online visible trough ISSUU.
Printing is expensive and not the best for nature, so we decided to print a copy for all the teachers and print two copy's for ourselves. One to keep and one to give away to someone we know in the target group.

We first made a test print, this exceeded our expectations and then we printed out the other 10 copy's.
We decided to add something extra to the magazine. A self reflection mirror ;)
Click on "ISSUU" to go the the ISSUU page and click on "Website" to go to our website
Since I made the magazine a whole and printed it out I will tell in our presentation about our reflection to the end product.
Elke’s work in the magazine is mainly focussed to awareness of our own privilege in our daily life. She tried to understand what her position in society is and how she could use that position. This is the question she wants the readers to ask themselves. And then, to take their position, their privilege, and use it for creating something good. To do that she give examples of including brands like Bonne Suit and showed how to be an ally. But she also gives tips to look at things that cross by every day, like art, social media and podcasts with a meaningful message.